Gray Andrus-Merriner is a highly creative individual, incredibly passionate person, and yes, a natural red head. He studied at Portland State University, getting a bachelors degree in marketing and advertising, graduated magna cum laude. When he works, he tries to always think on multiple levels. He likes to have layers to any work he does, and he don’t just mean layers in an Illustrator file. Ideally, he’d love to work in the music or the fashion industry: either helping popstars with creative direction and album roll-outs, or working on photoshoots and editorials for independent magazines and fashion brands.  

In his free time, he likes to stare blankly at walls. Sometimes, he’ll write on them, but then that inevitably ruins his blank-staring time. Catch-22. Otherwise, he’ll play some JRPG’s, mess with his cats, care for his plants, or pursue other artistic disciplines, like painting and writing. He is always trying new things and trying to deepen his artistic repertoire. Not every project is good, not every choice is completely sound. And that’s okay! Sometimes he has to completely paint over a canvas, or toss a dead plant he watered too much, or write a professional bio in third person. That’s just how it goes sometimes!


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